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5 Tips for Attending a Writing Conference

Writing conferences are great places to network with fellow writers and learn about the publishing industry. Here are 5 tips to make your experience at a writing conference a success!

1. Bring a business card.

Part of attending a writing conference is networking with other writers. While it is great connecting with other writers in the moment, the real power of networking comes in the follow-up after an event. It's then that your business card will be essential. If someone doesn't have your contact information they are less likely to reach out after the event. And if they don't reach out to you, you can't become writing buddies, critique partners, or beta readers for each other!

Photo by Kate Trysh on Unsplash

2. Wear something comfortable (and make sure if you are prone to getting cold to bring a sweater!)

At all the conferences I've been to, writers are dressed in business casual attire so I think this is a good rule of thumb to follow, especially if you plan on pitching agents at the conference.

At the first conference I went to I wore a business casual dress with a fun bright pattern on it. The next conference I wore a black jumpsuit with some cheetah print ballet flats.

I think as long as what you're wearing is comfortable and makes you feel confident, you will be dressed for success!

Photo by Lauren Fleischmann on Unsplash

3. Bring a pen and notebook.

In all the sessions you attend at a writing conference, you will be given a ton of information. You will want to record all that information somehow. I personally think bringing a notebook over a laptop is a safer bet since a notebook won't ever run out of battery. Even if you do decide to bring your laptop, I suggest bringing some good ol' pen and paper just in case your battery runs out. It never hurts to have a backup plan!

Photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash

4. Save some money.

I'm a big advocate for saving money and I know that that writing conferences can be expensive. One way you can save money is by saving on hotel costs by either going to a local conference you can travel to from your home or staying with loved ones.

Another way you can save money is packing your own snacks/lunch. However, I'd highly advice you to spend the little extra money on going out to eat with fellow writers because it's a great networking opportunity!

Photo by Kait Herzog on Unsplash

5. Ask other writers about their writing.

Are you nervous about networking with other writers? One easy question you can ask a fellow writer is what they are working on. More times than not they will be more than happy to talk about their story. It is a really easy way to start a conversation with a writer. Some other questions you can ask writers:

  • Who is your favorite author?

  • What are some of your favorite books?

  • What genre do you write?

  • When did you discover you wanted to be a writer?

  • Where is your favorite place to write?

  • What does your writing routine look like?

  • What are your favorite topics to write about?

  • When do you write? Are you a morning or night writer?

  • Are you a plotter or pantser?

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

BONUS TIP: Stay hydrated all day by bringing your own bottle of water!

I hope you enjoyed these tips! Have an absolute blast at whatever writing conference you're planning on attending!

For more information about writing conferences, check out my blog post 5 Reasons To Attend A Writing Conference.

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope to see you around here sometime soon!


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